
Peer-reviewed Journals

37. "Turn Off the Faucet Can Individual Meters Reduce Water Consumption?" (w/P.Carrillo and I.Contreras). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 128. November 2024.

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1152 

36. "Willingness to Pay for Crime Reduction: The Role of Information in the Americas" (w/P. Dominguez). Journal of Public Economics 239. November 2024

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1367 

35. "Increasing the use of Telemedicine. A field experiment" (w/M.P. Gonzalez). PNAS Nexus 3(7). July 2024

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1471 

34. "The Political Economy of Redistribution and (In)Efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean" (w/M. Tommasi and M. Guizzo-Altube). Oxford Open Economics Special Issue on Inequality in Latin America. Forthcoming. 

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1471 

33. "Debiasing policymakers: The role of behavioral economics training." (w/A.M. Rojas-Mendez). LAER Special Issue on Experimental Economics. Forthcoming.

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1527

32. "Framing Fact-Checks as a ``confirmation'' increases engagement with corrections of misinformation: A four-country study" (w/N. Aruguete, F. Batista, M. Guizzo, E. Calvo, T. Ventura). Scientific Reports 14. February 2024.

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1363 

31. "Tempering the Taste for Vengeance: Information about Prisoners and Policy Choices in Chile" (w/F.Cafferata and D.Gingerich). Comparative Political Studies 56(10). December 2022 (online)

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1128 

30. "Does information about citizen participation initiatives increase political trust?" (w/M. Ardanaz and S. Otálvaro). World Development 162. December 2022 (online)

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1311 

29. "On the Demand for Telemedicine: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic" (w/M.Busso and M.P.Gonzalez). Health Economics. May 2022

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1202  

28. "Demand-Side Determinants of Public Spending Allocations: Voter Trust, Risk, and Time Preferences" (w/R.Vlaicu and P.Keefer). Journal of Public Economics 206. February 2022. 

WP version:  IDB Working Paper 1123 

27. "A Heavy Hand or a Helping Hand? Information Provision and Citizen Preferences for Anti-Crime Policies" (w/D. Gingerich). Journal of Public Policy 42(2). June 2022.

WP version: IDB  Working Paper No. 927

26. "How Can We Improve Air Pollution?  Try Increasing Trust First" (w/F. Cafferata and B. Hoffmann). Environment and Development Economics 27(5). December 2021 (online).

WP version: IDB  Working Paper 1208 

25. "Do You Have COVID-19? How to Increase the Use of Diagnostic and Contact-Tracing Apps" (w/D. Martínez, A.M. Rojas M., C. Parilli, and A. Simpser).  PLOS ONE. July 2021. 

WP version: IDB Working Paper 1213 

24. "Public Good Provision and Property Tax Compliance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment" (w/P.Carrillo and E. Castro). Journal of Public Economics 198. June 2021.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 794 

23. "Partisan Cues and Perceived Risks: The effect of partisan social media frames during the Covid-19 crisis in Mexico" (w/N. Aruguete, E. Calvo, F.Cantú, and T. Ventura).  Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 31(S1): 82-95. June 2021. 

22. "Let's (not) get together! The role of social norms on social distancing during COVID-19" (w/D.Martinez, C.Parilli, and A.Simpser). PLOS ONE. March 2021. 

WP version: IDB  Working Paper 1168 

21. "Who's calling? The effect of phone calls and personal interaction on tax compliance" (w/M. Mogollón and D. Ortega). International Tax and Public Finance. March 2021.

WP version: IDB  Working Paper No. 1084 

20. "Transparency and Trust in Government. Evidence from a Survey Experiment" (w/M. Alessandro, B. Cardinale L., J. Streb, and J. Torrealday). World Development 138. February 2021.

WP version: IDB  Working Paper No. 962 

19. "Fiscal consolidations and electoral outcomes in emerging economies: does the policy mix matter? Macro and micro level evidence from Latin America"  (w/M. Ardanaz and M. Hallerberg). European Journal of Political Economy. Volume 64, September 2020

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 1002 

18. "Don’t Blame the Messenger. The Delivery Method of a Message Matters" (w/D. Ortega). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 170: 286-300. February 2020.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 627

17. "Compliance Spillovers Across Taxes: The Role of Penalties and Detection" (w/ A.Lopez-Luzuriaga). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 164: 518-531. August 2019. 

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 926 

16. "State Capacity and the Quality of Policies. Revisiting the Relationship Between Openness and the Size of the Government" (w/ M.Franco Chuaire, and M. Tommasi). Economics and Politics 29(2): 133-156. July 2017.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 532 

15. "Explaining Changes in Tax Burdens in Latin America: Do Politics Trump Economics?" (w/ M. Hallerberg). European Journal of Political Economy 48: 162-179. July 2017.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 613 

14. "Congressional Institutionalization: A Cross‐National Comparison" (w/V. Palanza and M. Tommasi). Legislative Studies Quarterly 41(1): 7-34. February 2016.

WP version: IDB  Working Paper No. 363 

13. "Tax Reforms in Latin America" (w/D. Focanti and M. Hallerberg). Latin American Research Review 51(1): 132-158. 2016.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 457 

12. "When Do Governments Improve Fiscal Institutions? Lessons from Financial Crisis and Fiscal Reform in Latin America" (w/M. Hallerberg). Economia 16(1): 41-76. Fall 2015. 

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 235

11. "Tax Compliance and Enforcement in the Pampas. Evidence from a Field Experiment" (w/L. Castro). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 116: 65–82. August 2015.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 472

10. "Does Energy Consumption Respond to Price Shocks? Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity Design" (w/P. Bastos, L. Castro, and J. Cristia). The Journal of Industrial Economics 63(2): 249–278, June 2015.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 234 

9. "Are We All Playing the Same Game? The Economic Effects of Constitutions Depend on the Degree of Institutionalization" (w/G. Caruso and M. Tommasi) European Journal of Political Economy 38: 212–228. June 2015.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 237 

8. "The Economic Effects of Constitutions: Do Budget Institutions Make Forms of Government More Alike?" (w/M. Ardanaz). Constitutional Political Economy 25(3): 301-329. September 2014.

WP version: IDB  Working Paper No. 427  

7. "Veto Players and Policy Adaptability. An Intertemporal Perspective" (w/E. Stein and M. Tommasi). Journal of Theoretical Politics 26(2): 222–248. April 2014.

WP version: IDB Working paper No. 159 

6. "The Presidency and the Executive Branch in Latin America: What We Know and What We Need to Know" (w/A. Bonvecchi). Latin American Politics and Society 56 (1):144–165. Spring 2014.

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 283 

5. “Inequality and Personal Income Taxation: The Origins and Effects of Legislative Malapportionment” (w/M. Ardanaz). Comparative Political Studies 46(12): 1636-1663. December 2013.

WP version: IDB  Working Paper No. 282 

4. “Political Institutions, Intertemporal Cooperation, and the Quality of Policies” (w/E. Stein and M. Tommasi). Journal of Applied Economics16(1): 1-32. May 2013. 

WP version: IDB Working paper No. 676  

3. “The Making of Policy: Institutionalized or Not?” (w/M. Tommasi). American Journal of Political Science 56(4): 787-801. October 2012. 

WP version: IDB Working paper No. 108 

2. “The Politics of Financial Development: The Role of Interest Groups and Government Capabilities” (w/O. Becerra, and E. Cavallo). Journal of Banking and Finance  36(3): 626–643. March 2012. 

WP version: IDB Working Paper No. 207 

1. “Political Institutions and Street Protests in Latin America” (w/F. Machado and M. Tommasi). Journal of Conflict Resolution  55(3): 340-365. June 2011. 

WP version: IDB Working paper No. 110

Chapters in Collected Volumes and Monographs

41. "Lowering Businesses' Carbon Footprint: Adoption of Eco-efficiency Indicators in Colombia and Peru." (w/ L. Díaz, D. Martinez, and C. Landreit). Monograph 1189. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. February 2024.

40. "Increasing Road Safety in Latin America and the Caribbean: Lessons from Behavioral Economics." (w/I. Ramirez). Monograph 1168. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. February 2024.

En español. "Cómo aumentar la seguridad vial en América Latina y el Caribe: lecciones de la economía del comportamiento." Monografía 1168. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. February 2024.

39. "What Works to Improve Lives? Improve Government Efficiency, Tax Compliance, and Financial Resilience." (w/M.Bosch, V. Frisancho, MP Girardino, O. Mitnik, and G. Pierri.) Monograph 1054. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. December 2023.

En español. "¿Qué funciona para mejorar vidas? Mejorar la eficiencia del gobierno, el cumplimiento tributario y la resiliencia financiera." Monografía 1054. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. Diciembre 2023.

38. "Bridging and Expanding Behavioral Science Channels."(w/D. Martínez V. and C.Parilli), in Behavioral Science for Development. December 2023.

37. "Improving Lives in Latin America and the Caribbean." (w/D. Martínez V.), in Behavioral Public Policy in a Global Context. November 2023.

36. "Inequality and Trust" (short piece), in The Seven Games of Leadership. London: Bloomsbury Business

35. "Nudging Latin America and the Caribbean: A Decade of Improving Public Policies through Behavioral Economics" Monograph 967. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. August 2022.

En español. "Pequeños empujones para América Latina y el Caribe: una década de mejorar la política pública con la economía del comportamiento" Monograph 967. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. August 2022.

34. "Combating Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean: What Public Policies Do Citizens Want?" Monograph 890. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. May 2021.

En español. "Cómo combatir la delincuencia en América Latina: ¿Qué políticas públicas demandan los ciudadanos?" (w/F. Cafferata) Monograph 890. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. Mayo 2021.

33. "Trust, Populism, and the Quality of Government" (w/P. Keefer and R.Vlaicu), in The Handbook of Quality of Government. Oxford University Press. 2021

32. "The Size and Composition of Government Spending in Multi-Party Systems" (w/W.M.Crain), in Hall and Khoo (eds), Essays on Government Growth: Political Institutions, Evolving Markets, and Technology. pages 97-127. Springer. 2021

31. "How to Improve Communication during COVID-19: A Practical Guide" (w/D. Martinez V. and A.M. Rojas M.) Monograph 858. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. October 2020.

En español. "Cómo comunicar mejor en tiempos de COVID-19: Una guía práctica" (w/D. Martinez V. and A.M. Rojas M.) Monograph 858. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. October 2020.

Em português. "Como comunicar melhor em tempos de COVID-19: Um guia prático" (w/D. Martinez V. and A.M. Rojas M.) Monograph 858. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. October 2020.

30. “Whom do we trust? The role of inequality and perceptions“ (w/J. Valle L.), in Busso and Messina (eds), The Inequality Crisis: Latin America and the Caribbean at the Crossroads. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. September 2020

En español. "¿En quién confiamos? Una cuestión de percepciones y desigualdad" en Busso y Messina (eds),  La crisis de la desigualdad: América Latina y el Caribe en la encrucijada. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. Septiembre 2020

29. "Trust to Advance Inclusive Growth" (w/P. Keefer, AM. Rojas M, y J. Valle L.) in Nuguer, V., and A. Powell, coordinators. Inclusion in Times of Covid-19. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. August 2020

En español: "Confianza para promover el crecimiento inclusivo" (w/P. Keefer, AM. Rojas M, y J. Valle L.) en Nuguer, V., and A. Powell, coords. La Inclusión en Tiempos de COVID-19. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. Agosto 2020

28. "Emerging from the Pandemic Tunnel with Faster Growth and Greater Equity: A Strategy for a New Social Compact in Latin America and the Caribbean"(w/A. Izquierdo et al). Monograph 827. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. July 2020.

En español. "Salir del túnel pandémico con crecimiento y equidad: Una estrategia para un nuevo compacto social en América Latina y el Caribe" (w/A. Izquierdo et al). Monograph 827. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. 2020.

Em português. "Sair do túnel pandêmico com crescimento e equidade: Uma estratégia para um novo pacto social na América Latina e no Caribe (w/A. Izquierdo et al). Monograph 827. Washington, DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank. 2020.

27. "Do Particularistic Institutions Lead to Inefficient Policies? Evidence from Taxation in Latin America" (w/M. Hallerberg), in The Political Economy of Taxation in Latin America. Cambridge University Press. June 2019

26. "¿Nacional o Importado? Preferencias y decisiones de compra en Argentina" (w/V. Giarrizzo), El Nuevo Factor del Comercio. Inter-American Development Bank. 2019

25. "La Moral Tributaria. Una brújula para alentar el pago de impuestos", El Nuevo Factor del Comercio. Inter-American Development Bank. 2019

24. "Con la Mirada en los Sesgos. El BID y la implementación de políticas públicas", in El Nuevo Factor del Comercio. Inter-American Development Bank. 2019

23. "Programas de Deporte", in El Futuro ya Está Aquí. Inter-American Development Bank. October 2019

22. "Shortchanging the Future: The Short-Term Bias of Politics" (w/P. Keefer and R. Vlaicu), in Izquierdo, A., C. Pessino, and G. Vuletin (eds.) Better Spending for Better Lives. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. September 2018

En español: "Hipotecando el futuro: el sesgo de corto plazo de las políticas" (c/P. Keefer y R. Vlaicu), en Izquierdo, A., C. Pessino, y G. Vuletin (eds.)  Mejor Gasto Para Mejores Vidas. Washington, DC: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Septiembre 2018

21. Sports for Development (w/L. Jaitman). Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. December 2017 (Monograph)

En español: Deportes para el Desarrollo (c/L. Jaitman). Washington, DC: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. May 2018 (Monografía)

Facebook Live: ¿Los programas deportivos ayudan a disminuir la pobreza?

Short video: 

20. “El análisis de redes sociales y la política social en América Latina (W/A. Bonvecchi, J. Johannsen, and N. Morales) in ¿Quiénes Deciden la Política Social? Economía política de programas sociales en América Latina, Bonvecchi et al. (eds). Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. 2015.

19. “La economía política de las políticas públicas” in ¿Quiénes Deciden la Política Social? Economía política de programas sociales en América Latina, Bonvecchi et al. (eds). Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. 2015.

18. “La economía política de la política social: de las instituciones a las redes sociales” (W/A. Bonvecchi) in ¿Quiénes Deciden la Política Social? Economía política de programas sociales en América Latina, Bonvecchi et al. (eds). Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. 2015.

17. "The Politics of Taxation" (w/F. Machado and E. Stein) in More More than Revenue. Taxation as a Development Tool , A. Corbacho, V. Fretes and E. Lora (eds.). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2013.

16. "Institucionalización de las instituciones políticas y su impacto sobre las políticas públicas" (w/M. Tommasi) in Nuevo Institucionalismo: Gobernanza, Economía y Políticas Públicas, X. C. Arias and G. Caballero (eds.) Madrid, Spain: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 2013 

15. "El presupuesto por resultados en América Latina: un análisis de economía política de sus determinantes" (w/G. Filc) in Reforma fiscal en América Latina. ¿Qué fiscalidad para qué desarrollo?  Santiago, Chile: CEPAL and CIDOB. 2012. Pp 145-192 

14. “How (Not) to Produce Effective Policies? Institutions and Policymaking in Latin America” (w/Mariano Tommasi) in The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Political Economy.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012. 

13. “Political Institutions, Policymaking, and Economic Policy in Latin America” (w/Martín Ardanaz and Mariano Tommasi) in The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Economics.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2011. 

12. “¿Cómo se juega en America Latina? Instituciones políticas, procesos de negociación y políticas públicas” (w/ Pablo T. Spiller, Ernesto Stein y Mariano Tommasi) in El Juego Político en América Latina: ¿Cómo se deciden las políticas públicas? Bogotá, Colombia: Mayol Ediciones. 2011. 

11. “¿Quién es quién en el juego político? Describiendo a los actores que intervienen, y sus incentivos y funciones” in El Juego Político en América Latina: ¿Cómo se deciden las políticas públicas?. Bogotá, Colombia: Mayol Ediciones. 2011. 

10. “Political Institutions, Actors, and Arenas in Latin American Policymaking” (w/Ernesto Stein and Mariano Tommasi) in How Democracy Works. Political Institutions, Actors, and Arenas in Latin American Policymaking. Washington, DC: IDB and DRCLAS, Harvard University. 2010. 

9. “The Politics of Productivity” (w/Mariano Tommasi) in The Age of Productivity: Transforming Economies from the Bottom Up. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2010. 

8. "Una Cuestion de Enfoque" (w/Eduardo Lora) in Consecuencias Imprevistas de la Constitución de 1991: La Influencia de la Política en las Políticas Económicas.  Bogotá, Colombia: Alfaomega. 2009. 

7. "A New Framework" (w/Ernesto Stein) in Who Decides the Budget? A Political Economy Analysis of the Budget Process in Latin America.  Washington, DC: IDB and DRCLAS, Harvard University. 2009. 

6. "The Budget Process as a Political Arena" (w/Mark Hallerberg and Ernesto Stein) in Who Decides the Budget? A Political Economy Analysis of the Budget Process in Latin America. Washington, DC: IDB and DRCLAS, Harvard University. 2009. 

5. "The People’s Choice? The Role of Opinions in the Policymaking Process" in Beyond Facts: Understanding Quality of Life. Washington, DC: IDB and DRCLAS, Harvard University. 2008. 

4. "Who’s Who in the Policymaking Process: An Overview of Actors, Incentives, and the Roles they Play", in Policymaking in Latin America: How Politics Shapes Policies. Washington, DC: IDB and DRCLAS, Harvard University. 2008. 

3. "Budget Institutions" (w/Gabriel Filc), in The State of State Reform in Latin America, Eduardo Lora (ed.). Stanford University Press. 2007. 

En español: "Instituciones Presupuestarias" en El Estado de la Reforma del Estado en América Latina, E. Lora (ed).  Editorial Mayol. 2007. 

2. "Decentralization, Budget Processes, and Feedback Effects" (w/Gabriel Filc and Ernesto Stein), in The Politics of Policies. Harvard University Press. 2006.

1. "Instituciones presupuestarias, resultados fiscales y el rol del Congreso en el process presupuestario" (w/G.Filc), in Cada Cual Atiende su Juego. Buenos Aires, Argentina: CIPPEC